My sister asked me to do a post on ideas for a children's play space. Some of the best things I found were on Etsy - enjoy!
Zid Zid Kids Lounge Poof's
Comfortable, cute and made from recycled goods.

I love the idea of a large map on the wall in a kids room - Etsy shop English Muffin
(A company based in the Netherlands - but ships worldwide!)
Children's Playtent from Restoration Hardware
(available in blue too - how precious!)
Love all the colorful prints from Etsy shop Sugarfresh
"Know my Abc's"

"Alphabet Soup" - Sugarfresh

"Mister Numbers" - Sugarfresh

Indoor/Outdoor Rugs from Dash and Albert
An affordable rug company with an endless amount of options in bright stripes. Indoor/outdoor is practical for a children's room - the product is hoseable, scrubable, and bleachable!